Welcome to Usher Labs' Log Store Docs 📘
Usher Labs provides a composable data security, verification, and analysis platform that ensures cryptographic integrity and transparency for blockchain applications.
We support companies achieve verifiable data and trust management. Simplify your journey towards decentralisation and trust-minimisation with Usher Labs.
To learn more about Trust and Data in Web3, explore our latest research and updates.
Platform 🧬
Decentralised data storage, access, and delivery for real-time streaming data. Capture, verify, and trace activity across a network, or various devices, applications, and/or software systems.
Think of it as IPFS with persistent identifiers for real-time data streams.
Stay Connected 💬
Join our vibrant community on Discord and Twitter. Stay updated, ask questions, share your experiences, and help us build a more robust, efficient, and secure decentralized event/atomic data storage and retrieval ecosystem.