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Data Storage

Data Storage with Apache Cassandra

The LogStore Node utilizes Apache Cassandra for data storage, effectively managing streaming data. In Standalone mode, the Node independently stores data in a configured Cassandra instance, making each Node a self-contained unit for data management.

Setting up CassandraDB for the LogStore Node

Integrating CassandraDB with the LogStore Node involves a few essential steps:

  • Configuration File: Set up your LogStore Node to connect with a CassandraDB instance. This involves specifying the database details in the Node's configuration file.
  • Database Schema: Refer to keyspace.example.cql in the LogStore Node repository. This file outlines the required database schema for CassandraDB, ensuring proper data structure and organization.

The LogStore Node will soon migrate to chDB (ClickHouse DB), transitioning to an embedded, SQL-centric data storage approach.